En projection ... Pascal Coquet
Salle de rédaction : ~ Le billet du "boss" ~ EDITO STAFF
Once upon a time, a gentleman farmer from Crosne in the Essone land decided he would share opinions and knowledge with his friends. Never too late to mend!
He had a lot of goodwill but he was angry with himself because he did not know what to do.
Where to begin and who to turn to?
What was he driving at exactly?

Don't worry. Where there is a will there is a way.
An acquaintance of his knows the web very well:

Technology in the service of living memory, virtual knowledge posted to everyone, planetary pedagogy, demagogy leaving the crib of ancient Greece, getting rid of the notepad and the post-it which are the symbols of an old, for ever finished and obsolete past.
So be it. Amen.

I'll do it my own way, he said. He did so well that his website results that were beyond his hopes, top results,
the net result.
Finally, the Globe Café is now open, and everybody can enjoy its knowledge, its goodies and have fun.

Mind you, it's like a will o' the wisp orbiting the universe, just a drop in the bucket. Nevertheless, this tiny drop is a way to improve things and enter a more cultural world. What an all that experience!
So break a leg.
Please take note (of that).

La technologie au service de la mémoire, le savoir publi-posté, virtualisé, la pédagogie planétisée, la démagogie quitte le berceau originel de la Grèce antique, du papyrus, du bloc-notes et du post-it ; Symboles d'un passé abscon, définitivement obsolète. Ainsi soit-il.

~ Qui suis-je ? ~ ~ Who I am ? ~
Je suis un cinéaste, je travaille dans la post-production, synchronisation image et son.

J’ai créé une station de radio en 80.
J’écris des textes et des poésies, juste pour moi. Euterpe est ma compagne, ma muse, et la musique m'accompagne ...

Musicien dans l’âme. après la flûte, j’étudie un peu le piano puis le violon du "petit Paganini" m’attire pendant quelques années. La guitare fut mon alliée fin des année soixante-dix mais c’est la basse jazz qui aujourd’hui emporte ma faveur avec les Caballeros.

Maquettiste, je construit des vieux bateaux de pêche
J’aime la voile, la navigation, l’eau. J’ai fait des petites croisières sur voiliers de location, avec des potes ;
La Sardaigne, l’Angleterre, l’Irlande, les Anglo-normandes…

J’aime la photographie depuis très longtemps, voir la Web gallerie.

Esprit scientifique... Du moins passionné par tous les mystères qui nous entourent…
A la manière d’un curieux. J’ai toujours soif d’apprendre, de comprendre, de chercher une explication.

Entomologiste de la première heure, les insectes sont mes amis.

Je suis un rêveur, un utopiste. tout l’univers , l’espace, le cosmos et mon jardin sont ma “ terra incognita !"

Je suis Web Maître... Le Café du Globe , c’est pour voir...
I am a scenario writer,
I work in post-production synchronization movie and sound.

I created a radio station in the 80s.
I write texts and poetry, just for me.
Euterpe is my partner, my muse, and the music accompanies me...

I am a musician to the core.
After studying the flute, I learnt to play the piano a little.
Then I became attracted by the small Paganini violin method during a few years.
In the late 70s the guitar became my ally,
but today the jazz bass guitar is my favourite along with the Caballeros.

I am a model maker, I build old fishing vessels.
I like sailing, navigation, water. I went on small cruises on hired sailing ships, with pals ;
Sardinia, England, Ireland, the Anglo-Norman islands...

I have liked photography for a very long time, see the Web Galery

I am endowed with a scientific spirit... I am at least impassioned by all the mysteries which surround us... Like someone curious about everything.
I am always thirsty to learn, understand, seek an explanation...
Entomologist of the first hour, insects are my friends.

I'm a dreamer, a utopian. Everything in the whole universe,
the cosmos, space and my garden are my " terra incognita" !
I am a webmaster... The Globe's café, it's just to see...

Merci à Patrick Lecordier pour les corrections.
Mes lectures...

Socrate -Platon - Esope

L’institut Des Sciences Humaines (Paris) Philippe K.Dick Les navigateurs


le sénat : Isaac Asimov Josuah Slocum


Projet « Méridienne 2000 », Frank Herbert Alain Gerbault


Denis Guedg ( Université paris8) John Ronald R. Tolkien Bernard Moitessier


Hubert Rives Bernard Werber Eric Tabarly

Victor Hugo

Antoine Sharpac Amélie Nothomb Tony Bullimor


Yves Copens ... ... 

Emile Zola

Rupert Sheldrake Umberto Eco La planète


Haroun Tazieff Guy Powells Bombard - Cousteau


Alan Shepard Pierre Bergier Bertrand Piccard


Deke Slayton  Raymond Queneau Yann Artus Bertrand

Leornardo da Vinci

Fiction  Paulo Coelho  

Guillaume Apollinaire

Jules Verne Gerald Durrell Les comiques 

Louis Aragon

Mary W. Shelley Théodore Monod Pierre Dac

Michel De Montaigne

 Edgar Alan Poe Ernest Hemigway Fernand Raynaud

 Alexandre Dumas

Aldous Huxley John Steinbeck ...
Racine Herbert.G.Wells Stefan Zweig Liste non exhaustive...
Je tiens tout particulièrement à remercier mon instituteur de l’école primaire,le professeur Mathieu, de l'école Gatinot à Montgeron, un « maître » es leçon de choses pouvant dignement s’inscrire dans la grande tradition, du moins par l’esprit, des compagnons du tour de France, le sens des valeurs vraies, et qui a su éveiller en moi le sens de l’observation et la soif du savoir.
Je remercie également les autres enseignants, qui me «collaient » régulièrement le jeudi. La punition consistait à poncer au papier de verre les pupitres de la bibliothèque scolaire. Ma première lecture fut l’Iliade et l’Odyssée et ainsi j’ai parcouru quelques pages de l’histoire de notre récente humanité. (j’étais souvent collé)
Mais avant tout, il me faut remercier mes parents,
sans lesquels je ne serai qu’une particule d’atome dans l’azur étoilé.
I want to express my special thanks to my former schoolteacher, professor Mathieu of the Gatinot School in Montgeron, who was a master in general science,
and whose spirit inscribed itself in the dignified tradition of the French Guild .
This extraordinary man cultivated a sense of true values, and he aroused in me a true sense of observation and a thirst for knowledge.
I also want to thank the other teachers, who used to put me in detention every Thursday. The punishment consisted in sandpapering desks in the school library. There I was able to read Iliad and Odyssey and thus learn a few things about the history of our manknind (I was often put in detention)
But first, I have to express my deepest thanks to my parents, without whom I would only be a small atom particle in the spangled azure...
English' pages      
INTERACTIVE READING AND WRITING ROOM Tracks Metro entrances Pytheas the Massaliote Infernal Loop
The Dome Cyber IT 24.7 Pandora's box Clonus the rebel
Everybody, with whole the world, write a legend!--> The legend of Godax  
COSMOS Black hole Van Hallen Survie boots Cosmic Matter Found Second Black Hole Found in Milky Way's Center
JAZZ Duke Ellington: Birthday party at the white house in 1969 Henri Texier, double bass    
Louie Bellson, drummer Didier Lockwood, violin    
home Remerciements du site/Partenaires Email guestbook vote for me!
Pascal Coquet alias badmojo, the timeless traveller
Mes textes
I also want to thank Patrick Lecordier for translate