Large a thank you with :   here

Platon - Esope

The institute Of the Social sciences (Paris) Isaac Asimov Navigators


The senate : Franck Herbert Josuah Slocum


Project « Méridienne 2000 », Arthur Conley Clarke Alain Gerbault


Denis Guedg ( University of Paris8) John Ronald R. Tolkien Bernard Moitessier


Hubert Reeves Bernard Werber Tony Bullimor

Victor Hugo

Antoine Sharpac Amélie Nothomb Bertrand Piccard


Yves Copens ... Eric Tabaly

Emile Zola

Rupert Sheldrake Umberto Eco ...


Haroun Tazieff Guy Powells The comic ones


Alan Shepard Pierre Bergier Pierre Dac


Deke Slayton  Raymond Queneau Fernand Raynaud

Leornardo da Vinci

Fiction  Paulo Coelho The Monty Python...

Guillaume Apollinaire

Mary Wollecraft Shelley Gerald Durrell ...

Louis Aragon

Jules Verne Théodore Monod Sources of Graal

Michel De Montaigne

Edgar Alan Poe  Ernest Hemigway Thomas Malory

 Alexandre Dumas

Herbert G.Wells / Aldous Huxley John Steinbeck Chrétien de Troyes
Racine Philippe Kindred Dick Stefan Zweig etc... nonexhaustive List...
it's me... I want to express my special thanks to my former schoolteacher, professor Mathieu of the Gatinot School in Montgeron, who was a master in general science, and whose spirit inscribed itself in the dignified tradition of the French Guild . This extraordinary man cultivated a sense of true values, and he aroused in me a true sense of observation and a thirst for knowledge. 
I also want to thank the other teachers, who used to put me in detention every Thursday. The punishment consisted in sandpapering desks in the school library. There I was able to read Iliad and Odyssey and thus learn a few things about the history of our manknind (I was often put in detention)

But first, I have to express my deepest thanks to my parents, without whom I would only be a small atom particle in the spangled azure...

Pascal Coquet alias badmojo, the timeless traveller
I also want to thank Patrick Lecordier for translate
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